Monday, January 26, 2015

Arti Institute of Chicago Modern Wing and Friend

AIC & Aon (JWB Photo)
White verticality and clear blue sky. 

The Modern Wing of the Art Institute of Chicago, open a half-dozen years, faces off against the Aon Building three blocks up  the street on Randolph.  The mullions of Renzo Piano’s Modern Wing design complement the inverse corners and piers of Edward Durell Stone’s 1973 building, originally constructed for the Standard Oil Company of Indiana.  Aside from this aesthetic connection the two building share, the image shows another one of the many ways that commerce and culture stand side-by-side in Chicago.

One more thing to note – something I really love – notice the mullions of the Modern Wing and how they just give way so that glass and air and bright blue sky merge into one urban composition.

Good, clean, sleek design in two very different buildings. 

Good.  Clean.  Sleek. 


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