Thursday, January 9, 2020

Jamuary 9, 1976 -- C.T.A. Collision on Kennedy Sends 381 to Hospitals

January 9, 1976 – One person dies and another 381 passengers are injured when two C.T.A. trains collide at the Addison stop on the Kennedy Expressway during rush hour.  The most seriously injured victims are riders in the last car of a standing “A” train at the Addison Street station and those in the first car of a four-car “B” train that rammed it.  The wreck occurs at 8:06 a.m. and within 45 minutes Chicago firefighters had removed all of the injured from the two trains with inbound express service fully restored by 9:00 p.m.  A specialist with the National Transportation Safety Board says that the motorman of the inbound “B” train had been authorized to bypass the cab-signal safety system and operate the train manually before the crash occurred.  The motorman tells safety inspectors that at the top of a hill as he approached the Addison Street station he was blinded by the sun and glare from the snow.  He put the train into emergency, but the action came too late.  After an investigation of the incident, the N.T.S.B.  reported, “… that the probable cause of this accident was the failure of the motorman of train No. 315 to perceive standing train No. 104 at a sufficient distance to permit him to stop his train before striking No. 104. Contributing to the collision were the rule that permitted the operation of the train with the automatic train control and the cab signals inoperative, the lack of consistent enforcement of operating rules, the absence of flag protection against following trains, the failure of the train phone system to provide reliable communications, and the violation of the 24-mph speed limit required by Rule 178B.”  []
January 9, 1978 – The editorial board of the Chicago Tribune offers its opinion about an appropriate memorial sculpture in honor of the late Mayor Richard J. Daley, introducing the subject with an assessment of Daley’s achievement in bringing about a civic consciousness concerning art --  “… during his administration, and with his support, Chicago has become a showplace for some of the best known – and some of the most controversial – artists of the modern world.” [Chicago Tribune, January 9, 1978] A committee has narrowed the possible choices to two men – Giacomo Manzu, an Italian, and Jean Dubuffet, A French abstractionist.  The Tribune opts for Manzu because “his work strikes us as more representative of the man it is intended to honor, and more fitting for the space which has generally been agreed on – the east lobby of the Daley Civic Center.  We also think that there will be more of Mr. Daley – or at least more that is recognizable – in a Manzu work than a Dubuffet.”  The board notes that Manzu’s talent in creating bas-reliefs would be perfect for the Daley Center’s interior walls, even suggesting that some of Daley’s quotations “the more grammatical ones, we suppose” could be engraved around the creative work.  Dubuffet’s work, the editorial asserts, is “better suited to big, outdoor spaces.  To put a Dubuffet in the Daley Center lobby, virtually in the shadow of the big Picasso outdoors, would be a waste of similar talents.”  Dubuffet’s “Monument with Standing Beast” was unveiled across the street from the Daley Center on November 28, 1984, one of 19 commissioned artworks in or around the James R. Thompson Center that was funded by the State of Illinois Art-in-Architecture program.   

January 9, 2005 – The American Institute of Architects announces that the Chicago architecture firm of Perkins + Will has won national honors for the Skybridge condominium building on the southeast corner of Washington Boulevard and Halsted Street.  The organization describes the new building as “much a work of urban design as it is a residential condominium tower.”  The citation goes on, “The building’s base-and-tower parti [big idea or organizing thought] is adjusted to accommodate the two extreme conditions on the site, the neighborhood and the expressway.  The tower parallels the expressway and is pushed to the eastern edge of the site, both reducing the canyon effect on Halsted Street and maximizing views of the skyline from the residential units … The mass of the residential tower has been manipulated to break up its bulk and read as two towers connected by transparent walkways that form an overscaled window through the building… The use of subtle shades heightens the layering of the planes of the façade and further breaks up the mass.  The towers are united at the top by a thin roof plane that becomes a cantilevered trellis above the north façade.”

January 9, 1910 – The Chicago Daily Tribune runs a feature on the history of Michigan Avenue from the time of Fort Dearborn to the time of the Chicago fire in 1871.  Today’s great boulevard began as an Indian trail, leading to the gates of Fort Dearborn at what is today Madison Street. An early resident recalled the early trail as “A brown path where the grass had been trodden out fed to the fort.”  It was this Indian trail that the evacuees from Fort Dearborn used as they headed toward their doom in 1812, getting as far as what is today’s Eighteenth Street before hostilities began.  By the time the little town on the river was incorporated in 1833 rude streets had already fixed its boundaries – Knizie Street on the north, Desplaines Avenue on the west, Madison Street on the south, and State Street completing the square.  Michigan Avenue remained a well-traveled trail with “canal lands” to the east – the anticipated canal would originate, of course, at the mouth of the river and at the time the mouth of the river entered the lake at what is today Madison Street.  There were some shenanigans that occurred in the 1830’s, not the least of which involved an early settler, General John B. Beaubien, purchasing the reservation at Fort Dearborn for $94.61, a deal that the courts later ruled as illegal.  Still, the fort’s property was platted, the river straightened so that it breached the sand bar and ran roughly in the direction it runs today, and streets laid out, running north and south, from Madison Street to the river.  Beaubien Street, today’s Michigan Avenue, was one of those new streets.  In 1852 when the Illinois Central built a trestle to carry its trains to the river along the lakefront, its right-of-way was fixed, using the west boundary of Michigan Avenue – 700 feet to the east of the west line of Michigan Avenue was to be the west line of the Illinois Central’s boundary.  Using this calculation Michigan was extended to the southern city limits.  At that point the road had little importance – in fact, as the article points out an early woodcut shows that what is today’s scenic boulevard was little more than a landing place for rowboats traversing the lagoon formed by the Illinois Central’s berm and trestle and the area where today’s Art Institute of Chicago stands.  Note in the 1835 map above the new town of Chicago with a population of 350 souls has State, Wabash, Dearborn, La Salle and Wells Streets all neatly in place.  Michigan Avenue is nowhere to be seen, aside from the old Indian trail leading to where the entrance to the original fort was located.

January 9, 1978 -- Harry Caray agrees to return to his post as the radio and television announcer for an eighth season with the Chicago White Sox after threatening to take a hike unless he was given a substantial pay raise. The Chicago Tribune quotes Caray as saying, "Let's face it -- until last season the Sox were a depressed product. They were in deep financial trouble. I went along without any raise primarily because of Bill Veeck. I was committed to helping him turn the club into a success. Now I think I should start making some money . . . If Brickhouse is making 150 grand, why should I make so much less?"

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